Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How Could Anyone Love Your Cold Black Heart?

midnight juggernauts! they are the very first band playing on friday, so i'll head straight to the tent and catch some beautiful jugg action.
2 days till the weekend. Exciting. I'm going to try and make this a quick post, as i have a lottt of studying to do, but we'll see how much i get done.
Okay, so "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," funniest movie EVER.
really really good, and i saw myself in a lot of those scenes. Sooo funny though, the first scene after him and his girlfriend break up, guess what music he has playing in the background, MORRISSEY. hahahaha
Go see it, and think of me.
A lot of big shows after Coachella, its just hard because i have to deal with moving and vacation and all of that ish. One i really want to go to is Beirut at the wiltern in may, but we'll see. i'm practically in finals.
It really sucks walking around school and the one person you would do anything to avoid you see everyday, and they talk crap on you constantly. i'm actually a good person, i give a smirk and walk away, but nothing like he does. its hard to believe he is so well liked, because really he's just an asshole.
but i only have to deal with that for 6 more weeks and thats it.
i'm sooo pissed. On friday, cut copy and vampire weekend, 2 of the top 5 bands i want to see the entire weekend are playing at the same time...ahhhh! And on saturday, death cab and hot chip are playing at the same time! noooooo! i think i'm going to have to pick the electronic music over the others.
okay so i'm posting 3 different genres and 3 coachella acts. This is probably the last time i'm posting before coachella, so i'm trying to mix it up. First is a boys noize remix of the AMAZING cut copy song, "lights and music." Next is a cover/remix of justice's phantom, but turned into a rap song by this rapper who only does justice songs....sooo good! And last is my hope that ben gibbard will bring dntel or jimmy tamborello on stage and bring a little postal service back. So i have ben gibbard doing "recycled air" acoustic.
i'm going to come back really tired and really tan, so remember to call me or look for me there. have fun everyone!

Cut Copy - Lights & Music (Boys Noize Remix)
Webbafied - Phantom
Ben Gibbard - Recycled Air (Acoustic) Highly Recommended!

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