Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yada Yada Yada...

so the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are hard at work on a new album, hopefully do out later this year, but i'm not getting my hopes up. Anyways, i have two remixes, one i really like, which is a Faint remix, and the other is a Diplo remix, both decent, but i've heard better.
And the third song, is an old song that i rediscovered because of a stupid Geico commercial. But still amazingggg....when you play it, you will know it immediately. i promise.
hope your weekend went well everyone.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y Control (the faint remix)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Gold Lion (diplo remix)
Röyksopp - Remind Me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just listening to Remind Me. Song is so peacefully good.