Thursday, February 28, 2008


i find it very strange how much i daydream and just doze off. I don't know if its to get away from the world or what, but even in the shower this morning (ohhh) i just started staring at the ceiling and next thing i knew, i was in there for 20 minutes and i was late for school...damn haha. Its strange what i think about, mainly its the future, and how will it be when i see people i haven't seen in a long time...but i've always done this, i've always imagined myself being very successful, and daydreaming about that, and how i am going to do anything to be remembered in history for something...just wait everybody...i promise you i will be known.
Well, i'm happy my hell week is over, 3 papers in 2 days, notttt cool. Its funny though, i even wrote a biology paper, and i somehow turned it political, haha i love it. This is going to sound rather homosexual, but i am soooo excited for the finale of project runway, i finally caught up on all of the episodes and i watched part 1 of the finale tonight, go jillian! and its great because right when this is over, top chef starts. I looked up classes that transfer to my future school, and i can take a cooking class that will transfer! AHH!! i've recently began to find a love for cooking, and if i take a class during the summer, how great would that be? I can cook stuff for all of my blog readers!
Haha ok wow i am tired. I had eleven hours at school, and i still managed to come home and run a few miles and do 300 sit ups. Niceeee and then watch one of my netflix movies so i could get a new one for the weekend...So i am ready for bed, but i thought i would post two relatively old songs that i have been obsessed with lately. Both of these artists i always liked, but only recently i have fallen in love with. The first is an artist named Beirut, many of you know him. The only reason he fascinates me, is that he is 20 years old, and when you hear his voice, you will be shocked, absolutely beautiful, and the eclectic soundscapes he uses, as he wrote the album traveling around remote areas of Europe, gives me hope that the future of music is in good hands. And the other is my favorite indie pop idol Jens Lekman, i've been a fan for a few years, but with his latest album "Night Falls Over Kortedala" he outdoes himself, brilliant. This song is so cute! I wish i had someone to sing this to...Good night all

Beirut - Postcards From Italy
Jens Lekman - Into Eternity

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