Saturday, February 2, 2008

Yesterday...All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away...

so i got on a scale for the first time today...15 lbs!! jesus i can't believe that...a little over 2 weeks and i lose 15 lbs....thats insane...i tried on jeans yesterday...and i wear 3 sizes all should try's called the broken heart diet. Ok so as i was driving home tonight, i heard this song, of course all of you know it, but the lyrics couldn't describe my life more perfectly. So here is the classic beatles song yesterday, with the beautiful blackbird as an intro from the "love" album. Sorry its m4a for some reason, but if you don't have it, please listen, and if you know my situation, my life is described perfectly from those short, miniscule amount of words. And then i have a live cover of blackbird by none other then elliott smith. So as morrissey would say..."sing me to sleep."

The Beatles - Blackbird/Yesterday
Elliott Smith - Blackbird (Live Beatles Cover)

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