Monday, February 11, 2008


so i'm starting to come to the realization that i'm going to be spending Valentines Day alone. Wow, this is going to hurt, and feel really weird at the same time. I never realized how much time i put into every Feb 14th, gosh, every year i tried so hard to do something new, and i spent sooo much money. I guess i can use my V day money, and my anniversary money (march 5th) to buy coachella tickets. Because every year i usually set aside around $500 to $600. And this year i got dumped, so free money! But i feel i should give SOMEONE flowers. Does anyone know anyone that wants flowers? Preferably a girl, haha. Maybe i'll just send some to my mom...
With the next couple of months, usually being so important to my past relationship, i have an extreme amount of anger and frustration built up inside of me, and i don't get to let it out teaching martial arts. Sooo, i've decided to take savate classes. For those of you who don't know what savate is, its french kickboxing. Think of boxing, as you wear gloves, but you use your feet mostly, and violently. Its been called one of the most violent forms of martial arts, but the minute i saw someone do it, i fell in love, and plus its perfect training for my 4th degree black belt test later this year. So i'm excited, i'm also doing a lot of weight training, so i will be in very very good shape for summer vacation this year. So next time you see me and if i have a black eye or i can barely walk, don't think much of it, i know what i'm doing...haha.
Ok so tonight, i am posting music by the remix company or RAC. Of any spectacular remix artists i have heard in the past year, i don't like any nearly as much as i like these guys. I must have given my first remix album to 30 people, well all of you that have it may remember a Tegan and Sara remix i had on there. The one i am posting tonight IS NOT that remix. This remix is soooo much better, seriously. Very well done. The next is a Who song, "Baba O Riley," i dont consider myself a big Who fan, but this song is so much fun! and a classic might i add. And last is one of my favorite new bands, Ra Ra Riot, and perhaps the best song on their album, "Each Year." It's greattttt. Ok, i should be studying, have a good night everyone.

Tegan and Sara - Back In Your Head (RAC Remix)
The Who - Baba O Riley (RAC Edit)
Ra Ra Riot - Each Year (RAC Remix)

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